===== Lecture: 3D Scanning and Printing =====
==== Abstract ====
This module covers the major technologies available for 3D Scanning and 3D Printing.
Practical examples for each are given, explaining which technology is better suited for reverse-engineering and production at different scale.
The assigment includes:
* build your own 3D Scanner
* use the scanning software to acquire a 3D model and print it
* design and print a 3D model which cannot be made subtractively
==== Tutor ====
Neil Gershenfeld, MIT Center for Bits and Atoms
==== Materials & Equipment ====
* 3D FDM Printer, 3D SLS Printer
* PLA Filament, Resin
* 3D Scanner such as Kinect, 3d Sense, or self-build i.e. Cyclops scanner
==== Software ====
* 123D
* SketchUp
* Fusion 360
* SolidWorks
* Rhino Grasshopper
* Blender
* FreeCAD
* OpenSCAD
* MeshLab
* netfabb
* meshmixer
* Simplify3D
* Geomagic
* ReplicatorG
* Slic3r
* Cura
* Sketchfab
=== Scanning ===
* 123D Catch
* PhotoScan
* VisualSFM
* OpenKinect
* ReconstructMe
* Sense
==== References ====
[[http://academy.cba.mit.edu/classes/scanning_printing/index.html|Fab Academy 3D Scanning & Printing Class]]
==== Video ====