**PLACE** : Onl'Fait Geneva\\ **DATE**: 13/10\\ **PEOPLE**: Cristina, Sébastien


**SOFTWARE**: I used paper and pencils to draw the tiles and see how they could be assembled **ISSUES**: in two cases I laser cut the pieces before deciding the final object to assemble. It stimulated my creativity but some cuts were actually not necessary **NOTES**: (if time allows) cut the paper pieces and see how they connect before starting the computer drawing


**SOFTWARE**: I used //Inkscape// to draw the tiles. I started from basic shapes (circles and squares) and continued with tiles to make a heart and of different scaled sizes. **ISSUES**: more practice with //Inkscape// **NOTES and CREDITS**: remember to group the internal cuts to make sure the laser cutter start cutting from them and not from the external shapes. Also remember to label the group (ID) to facilitate the ordering with the laser cutter. Heart: [[http://perkypics.tumblr.com/post/153637266120/checcuori-in-produzione-somewhere-over-the|Claudia Scarpa]] Circles: Eunsuk Hur Squares et hexagons: Berber Soepboer {{:fabricademy2017:students:cristina:1.jpeg?nolink&469x462|ASCII���Screenshot}}{{:fabricademy2017:students:cristina:2_1.jpeg?nolink&469x467|ASCII���Screenshot}} {{ :fabricademy2017:students:cristina:3.jpeg?nolink&470x461 |ASCII���Screenshot}}{{ :fabricademy2017:students:cristina:4.jpeg?nolink&800x574 |ASCII���Screenshot}}


**SOFTWARE**: I used //Laserweb //to generate the Gcode and //Fabrica// to communicate with the laser cutter. **MACHINE**: Laser Cutter CO2, 90W, 1000 x 600 mm, SigntsTech/1060SP with felt. Power 100%, speed 4000. {{ :fabricademy2017:students:cristina:0425e78395-600x413.jpg?nolink&600x413 |0425e78395-600x413.jpg}}**ISSUES**: the felt was not completely natural and we realized it from the smoke it was produced during the process. The sheets of felt that I used were only 160 x 160 mm: it's easier to use big ones **NOTES**: it is better to make tests on scrap tissues to avoid wasting the actual material that we want to use


**TOOL**: Hands-on + brain-on **ISSUES**: I realized that some cuts where not necessary or some tiles were to small to be assembled only after the laser cut **NOTES**: make sure to have a lot of material and colors to be as creative as possible. {{:fabricademy2017:students:cristina:img_20171015_215153.jpg?nolink&169x225 |img_20171015_215153.jpg}}{{:fabricademy2017:students:cristina:img_20171015_215242.jpg?nolink&300x225|img_20171015_215242.jpg}}


**TOOLS**: hands, small plier and cutter **ISSUES**: to make proper garnments, another layer should be added **BRACELET**: {{:fabricademy2017:students:cristina:img_20171015_215450.jpg?nolink&533x400|img_20171015_215450.jpg}}{{:fabricademy2017:students:cristina:img_20171015_215418.jpg?nolink&300x400|img_20171015_215418.jpg}} **HEART SHAPED BADGE**: {{ :fabricademy2017:students:cristina:img_20171015_215225.jpg?nolink&600x450 |img_20171015_215225.jpg}} **TABLE DECORATION TBD**: {{ :fabricademy2017:students:cristina:img_20171015_215121.jpg?nolink&600x800 |img_20171015_215121.jpg}} **NECKLACE**: {{ :fabricademy2017:students:cristina:img_20171015_215309.jpg?nolink&400x533 |img_20171015_215309.jpg}}


**WEBSITE**: I uploaded my necklace design on [[https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2589567|Thingiverse]] **ISSUES**: Lack of time. I uploaded only essential information but more time should be dedicated to share designs **NOTES**: to be published on Onl'Fait website too