====== Week 1: State of Art, Progect Management and Documentation ====== (26/09/2017) This first week was introductory. The state of the art was exposed to the students and the expectations from Project Managers to students performance and mandatory tasks was discussed. We got in touch with the various possibilities to develop this project and therefore by the end of the week we came up with our onw ideas for the Fabricademy Project. My ideas arsed right bellow. This ideas shall undergo changes until beginning of December. Details can be altered with the learning of new techniques that should open your horizons to outcomes that yet we did not have conscious of. ===== My idea(s) for Fabricademy ===== ==== 1. Upcycling textile waste ==== This idea has to do with the techniques yet to learn about shall undergo changes until beginning of December. Details can be and will be altered with the learning of new techniques that should open your horizons to outcomes that yet we did not have conscious of. The target population for this idea shall be the low income population suffering most intense impact of Climate Change. Addressing specifically to South East Asia population and the second most polluting industry impact; Textile Industry. Main goal: Reduce negative impacts of current textile industry and shift to a positive impact over local population by generating a positive economic outcome. In other words, innovative textile upcycling techniques. ===== 2. Antimicrobial Approaches for Textiles ===== Regarding a low income client group.I would like to produce a simple, cheap and durable blanket with bio-textile for babies that has advantages regarding self-cleanning and antimicrobial characteristic. Use the technology to create something cheaper and durable. ==== 3. Stress blanket with purr frequency vibration ==== A blanket that can vibrate in the frequency close so cat purring and help the person relax and calm down. Target group would be people that suffer from anxiety or panic attacks or any kind of shakings.