====== WEEK 10 | 28.11.17 ====== ===== Implications and Applications ===== **Oscar Tomico** was the lecturer this week. Personally, this lecture made me reflect on the real application of everything I am creating or I am working on, and there are some important questions that I made myself before defining my final project: 1. How am I using technology to create ultra personalized products? 2. For things that I am currently designing, are they going beyond my own necessities? 3. Am I really solving a problem? 4. How far can technology go by adding value to what current market offers nowadays? ---- [[http://wiki.textile-academy.org/fabricademy2017/classes/applications|Here]] you can find the documentation about this class. **The challenge** for this week is to create an Ultra-personalized product-service system (UPPSS) and to present a customer journey map integrating the different levels of personalization (product level, systems level, and service level). ==== FINAL PROJECT PROPOSAL ==== - Applying the UPPSS, I finally defined my final project which is different from most of the ideas I had at the beginning of Fabricademy. So that, my final project is based on not only a personal need but also a problem that most of the women have when finding a bra with a perfect fit. -**The problem:** Women spend a lot of time searching for a bra that adjusts exactly to their measurements and usually they end up buying not an exact fit. -**My proposal:** Design a reshapable bra by utilizing a material that has stretchy properties and can keep the final shape of the bra. I also plan to use parametric design to simulate the fitting on specify areas of the breast till finding the more accurate design for a perfect fit. By creating an app the women will be able to select the best pattern to be used to adjust to their desire fit. ===== UPPSS ===== **The reshapable bra happens at more than one level of personalization:** {{:fabricademy2017:students:eldy.lazaro:week10:screen_shot_2017-12-07_at_8.05.37_am.png?nolink&1000x348}} ==== CUSTOMER JOURNEY MAP ==== {{:fabricademy2017:students:eldy.lazaro:week10:thumb_img_8437_1024.jpg?nolink&1000x708|thumb_img_8437_1024.jpg}} {{:fabricademy2017:students:eldy.lazaro:week10:thumb_img_8438_1024.jpg?nolink&1000x419|thumb_img_8438_1024.jpg}} ==== REFERENCES ==== **[[https://softroboticstoolkit.com/soft-barrier|Soft Barrier]]: **Daniel Beltran, Salma Mahmood, and Michelle Ghanime {{:fabricademy2017:students:eldy.lazaro:week10:screen_shot_2017-12-05_at_9.07.56_am.png?nolink&800x727}} **Augmented body:** **{{:fabricademy2017:students:eldy.lazaro:week10:screen_shot_2017-12-05_at_9.23.31_am.png?nolink&800x450}}** **[[https://softroboticstoolkit.com/news/project-highlight-aposma-mask|The Aposma mask]]** {{:students:dj7cf9owsaejxxb.jpg?direct&800|dj7cf9owsaejxxb.jpg}} ==== SOME TESTS ==== As part of looking for which materials can be used in my final project, I tried making a silicone mold as I show in the video below. [[https://vimeo.com/246268487|https://vimeo.com/246268487]] ---------------------- [[http://wiki.textile-academy.org/fabricademy2017/students/eldy.lazaro|«« Back to Assignments]]\\ [[http://wiki.textile-academy.org/fabricademy2017/students/eldy.lazaro/week09|Week09 - E-Textiles & Wearables II << BACK]]___[[http://wiki.textile-academy.org/fabricademy2017/students/eldy.lazaro/week11|NEXT >> Week11 - Soft robotics]]\\ [[http://wiki.textile-academy.org/fabricademy2017/students|«« Back to Students]]\\