=== Implications and Applications === [[https://www.emiliapucci.com/week-10-implications-applications|https://www.emiliapucci.com/week-10-implications-applications]] INSPIRATION ---- I am really interested in merging Yucatecan textile craft with electronics for the creation of responsive garments. **[[https://www.pinterest.com/emilou85/yucatecan-style/|Here]]** is my Pinterest board with some initial inspiration on Yucatecan textiles. Also, because the focus of my interaction is based on self awareness and empathy, using the heart as the main bio-input, I am collecting a lot of information on heart rate sensors. GOALS & OBJECTIVES ---- Design a garment that enables people to sense variations of their heartbeat frequency, responding to increased heartbeat frequency with a soothing interaction. OBJECTIVE 1 - The objective of the garment is to increase the individual's self-awareness on her physical/emotional situation. Often we are disconnected from our body and our emotions, and certainly we are not very aware of how either one influences each other. I want to increase that awareness with a garment that has the goal of of reducing anxiety, stress and other situations where the heart is under strain without the owner being aware of it, and encouraging to take actions to calm down. OBJECTIVE 2 - The objective of the connected garments is to increase self-awareness and at the same time connectedness between people that **IO<3 - The internet of connected Hearts** 2 USE SCENARIOS - AUTO-EMPATHY & ETERO-EMPATHY ---- **{{:fabricademy2017:students:emilia.pucci:implications_and_applications:img_20171205_082359.jpg?nolink&492x750 |img_20171205_082359.jpg}}{{:fabricademy2017:students:emilia.pucci:implications_and_applications:img_20171205_082407.jpg?nolink&538x750|img_20171205_082407.jpg}}** **Garment Interaction** **{{:fabricademy2017:students:emilia.pucci:implications_and_applications:img_20171205_082422.jpg?nolink&1028x743|img_20171205_082422.jpg}}** **Designing at the intersection between digital fabrication and Yucatecan Textile Craft** **{{:fabricademy2017:students:emilia.pucci:implications_and_applications:img_20171205_082425.jpg?nolink&1028x736|img_20171205_082425.jpg}}** **IO<3 DIT platform** Enabling different levels of personalization of the garment MATERIAL — SHAPE — EMBROIDERY — INTERACTION {{:fabricademy2017:students:emilia.pucci:implications_and_applications:img_20171205_082313.jpg?nolink&1028x731|img_20171205_082313.jpg}} **What I want to focus on** 1. TECH & CRAFT - Explore feasible ways to interweave technology into the traditional yucatecan designs 2. QUALITY OF INTERACTIONS - Understand with users what are the possibilities with the interactions on their body and effects on it 3. PERSONALIZATION - Discover how many levels of personalization are possible/feasible/desirable with the IO<3 garment REFLECTIONS & NEXT STEPS ---- Narrow down the focus on what I will be working on in the next months for the assignment Establish the key persona and needs Research