=== Soft Robotics === [[https://www.emiliapucci.com/week-11-soft-robotics|https://www.emiliapucci.com/week-11-soft-robotics]] INSPIRATION ---- Because I have a mild obsession with the anatomical heart and how it works, I decided to make a soft inflatable heart for this assignment. I used **[[https://www.instructables.com/id/Air-Powered-Soft-Robotic-Gripper/|this]] ****tutorial**** on Instructables **as the starting point for my inflatable heart. It's for an **Air-Powered Soft Robotic Gripper.** In addition, I used the **[[http://archive.fabacademy.org/archives/2017/fablabbcn/students/50/12.html|work]]** Paul Nichols from Fabacademy 2017 to make my work. ---- GOALS & OBJECTIVES ---- MODELING THE INFLATABLE HEART ---- 3D PRINTING THE HEART MOULD ---- MAKING THE RESIN HEART ---- INFLATING THE HEART ---- REFLECTIONS & NEXT STEPS ---- You can download here the files from this week's assignment :) ----