=== Week 1 : State of the Art, Project Management and Documentation === **September 26, 2017** Today we got introduced to Fabricademy, the course objective and content/sturcture, and to the amazing faculty that will guide us through this journey. It was an exciting introduction to the upcoming months. **Initial Ideas for the Final Project** My initial inspirations follow a few different threads, which might or might not be interconnected: 1. I'm interested in merging traditional textile craft with smart textiles to create garments/accessories with an emerging memory of the local handcraft tradition. This memory can be expressed in a metaphoric or more literal sense through designs, techniques, materials. 2. I'm curious to follow-up on the work I did in Colorado with thermochromic ink and conductive yarn, adding a connection to natural phenomena as input for the interactions. I would like to create a garment that changes color or other physical properties by interacting with environmental data 3. I'm excited to delve deep into the concept of empathy and find a way to create a garment that can increase the wearer's awareness of the emotional state of her/himself and/or of the person that they are interacting with. The goal would be to increase connectedness and respectful interactions with oneself and/or with others.