**Programming the Attiny85** For this class we went to the lab on Kampus Kleve to learn more about conductive ink. The first idea was to create a mask and design a circuit on top of it using conductive ink instead of wires for the connection. After having a tutorial we draw a circuit on Illustrator and then cut it using Silhouette past it on skin or mask and then put conductive ink on the traces. In the examples below we use** conductive ink on skin. ** After we put the stencil with the circuit on skin we filled the traces with conductive ink and then waited for the ink to dry. After the ink was dry we removed the stencil, while removing the stencil some ink broke and cracked because was too dry on the skin. Once the stencil was fully off we measured the conductivity. We were able to measure the conductivity only on the traced where the ink was not cracked. {{:students:tumblr_inline_p0zv4yqmx91vnc3sp_500.png?nolink&500x136}} {{:students:circuit_on_skin.jpg?nolink&300x350}}{{:students:circuit_on_skin_2.jpg?nolink&300x350}} For the mask, first I tried to design it Rhino, and then improve it.Afterwards cut it with lasercutterr. {{fabricademy2017:students:gerantina.hoxha:http:wiki.textile-academy.org:fabricademy2017:students:gerantina.hoxha:26943327_395958417496000_784829175_n.jpg?nolink&275x500|26943327_395958417496000_784829175_n.jpg}}{{fabricademy2017:students:gerantina.hoxha:http:wiki.textile-academy.org:fabricademy2017:students:gerantina.hoxha:26942768_395958414162667_1289733122_n.jpg?nolink&500x281|26942768_395958414162667_1289733122_n.jpg}} {{fabricademy2017:students:gerantina.hoxha:http:wiki.textile-academy.org:fabricademy2017:students:gerantina.hoxha:26996140_395958407496001_803227707_n.jpg?nolink&500x281|26996140_395958407496001_803227707_n.jpg}}\\ But after we put conductive ink but when the ink got dry it started to break and therefore it wasn't succesfull. So in we did the project again using wired instead of ink. **First we connect the neo pixels together\\ {{:students:36176486_462144710877370_2345581154737848320_n.jpg?nolink&370x500|36176486_462144710877370_2345581154737848320_n.jpg}}** \\ I connected the neo pixels like in the pic, all grounds together and all Vcc together and each line connected then to the corresponding part of the Attiny. On “Arduino” go to examples, upload “Arduino ISP”.\\ On File-References upload this link : [[https://t.umblr.com/redirect?z=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/damellis/attiny/ide-1.6.x-boards-manager/package_damellis_attiny_index.json&t=NzYzYjg1NDEzODc0MWU4ODhiNzQ2ZjQ4OGU1MWZjOTgwYmQ2ODJmNyxUbU4zdWpESg==&p=|https://raw.githubusercontent.com/damellis/attiny/ide-1.6.x-boards-]] [[https://t.umblr.com/redirect?z=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/damellis/attiny/ide-1.6.x-boards-manager/package_damellis_attiny_index.json&t=NzYzYjg1NDEzODc0MWU4ODhiNzQ2ZjQ4OGU1MWZjOTgwYmQ2ODJmNyxUbU4zdWpESg==&p=|manager/package_damellis_attiny_index.json]] Open the sketch and select the board “Arduino Genuino Uno” and choose “AVRISP MKLL”. Following the pin out diagram of the Attiny85 connect (in my case):\\ Reset pin of ATtiny to Pin 10 of Arduino,\\ Pin 0 of ATtiny to Pin 11 of Arduino,\\ Pin 1 of ATtiny to Pin 12 of Arduino,\\ Pin 2 of ATtiny to Pin 13 of Arduino.\\ Vcc-Vcc\\ GND-GND\\ {{:students:35923469_462144840877357_2512829603605643264_n.jpg?nolink&500x375|35923469_462144840877357_2512829603605643264_n.jpg}} Choose board you are working with, click tools, select board - here you select “ATtiny 25/45/85”. Choose the choose “ATtiny85”, the clock has to be “internal 8 MHz” Choose programmer: “Arduino as ISP” Burn the bootloader.\\ When done open neo pixels scetch. The Attiny85 is now ready and will operate the neopixels! {{:students:36289915_462144697544038_6215182530488827904_n.jpg?nolink&500x375|36289915_462144697544038_6215182530488827904_n.jpg}} {{:students:36137556_462144624210712_2787806797308624896_n.jpg?nolink&370x500|36137556_462144624210712_2787806797308624896_n.jpg}}\\ I glued the neo pixels together to the mask and used a battery for the Attiny.\\ {{:students:35123822_462154894209685_1289171301893668864_n.jpg?nolink&500x375|35123822_462154894209685_1289171301893668864_n.jpg}} {{:students:36177087_462154784209696_4391767247442411520_n.jpg?nolink&500x375|36177087_462154784209696_4391767247442411520_n.jpg}}