**About me:** Name: Philippa Giwa Age:21 Languages: English, German **Motivation:** I want to learn more about the field of materials and textiles. In this course I wanna learn how to create something that can be helpful to someone. I also want to use the knowledge learnt in this course to create something useful/ helpful for someone with disabilities. **Project Ideas:** **- **Assisting to avoid waist pain - Tracking device for children - ….. **Week 1: State of mind / introduction** **Week 2: Digital bodies** My initial idea was to scan my thigh, but the the IPad couldn't recognize it and rather recognized my buttocks so I stuck to it. After that I edited it with Meshmixer and exported it to slicer where I decided to print my my buttocks in interlocks slices to save sheets and have less parts. My next move was so export it to PDF so I would be able to open it on Illustrator.