Towards the Fabricademy

A short summary of the brainstorming sessions happened during the Textile Academy Bootcamp


The Fabricademy: a new textile academy will happen starting September 2017 for 6 month of intense training in textiles, digital fabrication, biology and craft.

The course will be organized in a similar fashion of the other classes of the Academany, with online lectures complemented by local instructor training and hands on sessions for 14 weeks in labs hosting the course. Along with the classes participants will have access to an extensive documentation and resources including recipes, tutorials, samples and collaborative projects.

The Textile Academy Bootcamp held on Feb 20-24 in Barcelona offered just a snapshot of the wealth of topics that will be covered during the Academy, but also proved how effective the combination of global experts and local practice can be in continuous learning.

Course structure

The topics covered in the Fabricademy range from design to craft and digital technologies. Each topic will be taught by a leading expert in the field, providing access to the latest research and advancements in this exciting area. During the first 14 Weeks the participants will learn about:

Local Node Requirements

We aim to have different kind of nodes, including schools, fab labs, textile labs, maker spaces, artists and professionals hosting the program in their region. For this reason, we defined a list of mandatory and optional equipment, focusing on practical and inexpensive machines that reduce the cost of hosting the program. Being a Fab Lab or a Bio Lab is not required. Having access to one of each is highly recommended, as many assignments require you to use machines such as laser cutters, 3d printers or bio lab equipment.

Student Requirements

We won't cover all the basics during the class, but we invite instead labs to organize a number of prerequisite classes on basic tools like 3d printing, scanning, laser cutting, pipetting etc. We will provide a program for those pre-requisites to allow labs to arrange the programs at their best.

Instructor Requirements

While we can't expect instructors to be experts in all of the topics covered by the Academy, we think they should have a ba