Charlie´s and mine final project, is to make a portable crib that rocks the baby to sleep. For that rocking system, we need a motor, for me that´s kind of new, so I began trying with the basics so this week´s project serves as a first reach for the final project movement part.
This week I decided to experiment with some soft circuits, by generating one of the many parts of my final project. I need to generate movement, so I'll use a DC motor, connected to a LilyPad Arduino. The circuit will be created from conductive threads. Here's the complete BOM:
The idea is that the speed of the DC motor will change depending on how much pressure is being applied to the sensor. Here's the code:
int in1 = 9; int in2 = 10; int enable = 11; int soft_sensor = A5; int Lectura; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(in1, OUTPUT); pinMode(in2, OUTPUT); pinMode(enable, OUTPUT); pinMode(soft_sensor, INPUT); } void loop() { digitalWrite(in1,HIGH); digitalWrite(in2,LOW); //DC motor is constantly ON); Lectura = analogRead(soft_sensor); //Read soft_sensor Lectura = map(Lectura,0,1023,0,255); //Turn analog readings to PWM analogWrite(enable,Lectura); }
I used the conductive thread to generate the ways connecting all the components. In general, I connected my circuits through the top face of the fabric, but when I had to connect two points through a way which would intersect another, I used the bottom face of the fabric.
In this link is a video of one of the trials