Table of Contents


I want to see possibilities of textile for molding. My idea is to use concrete create amorphous spaces. I do not wanna use any molding technique. I just wanna create a repetitive surface to see what is gonna be happen.



Gyroid minimal surface

Since architectural school ı had always curiosity about Minimal surfaces. I modeled before a gyroid minimal surface which seems really easy to me.


There is also my research links of minimal surfaces.:[1].pdf

And here is the wonderful link of Alan H. Schoen.

For Alan H. Schoen, Gyroid minimal surfaces which contains the only surface free of transverse self-intersections.


I followed this Youtube tutorial. Basically, you have to create a box and delete 3 of the surface 6 out of it. And stretch these 3 surfaces from their middle point.


ı decided to mimic his actions in real life.


First Step-Create a surface

The surface should be flexible. That's why ı used latex fabric for the surface. So there is a certain rule for the create a surface.

If a box has got 6 surfaces you should reduce into the half.


I draw this shape for the fit into my box.

Laser values for latex fabric.

60 watt epilog laser power speed
Light cut %10 %80
Cut %20 %50



Second Step - Make the design the structure(Total Failure!)

I used MakerCase website to obtain my laser files.


The first box that I created was too bulky! Even the textile was hardly fitting to my box.


Create a simple box


Make concrete

concerete 10x
water x

Mix them really fast.


The Results

Just an hour later ı received this result. I could not achieve any minimal surfaces. But still, ı have some results. :)


Note; there is no fabric onto concrete. The color pigments of the fabric absorbed by concrete.

Crystallization heart

When ı first saw the presentation about cyrstallization, ı was amazed by the concept. İt seems like a magic to me.

I did my assignment in Turkey. To obtain chemicals in turkey is pretty easy.

I bought 1-kilogram Alum from the chemical store.

Alum recipe;

  1. 500 gr alum
  2. 2 lt water

You can use a big jar for the recipe. Boil 2 lt of water pour into jar. Put you alum slowly and while stirring.

When you prepare the mixture. Prepare some materials for structure. I used 3 different method and material.

  1. Wool yarn

parachute threat

  1. copper wire

Prepare some small jars. Pour one and other. Prepare some wires to hold the structure of materials.

İmportant thing is that; Your material should not touch the ground og the jar and at least to have 5 cm. Because first of all, crystallization starting from the bottom when the material is touching to the ground or close to ground. You will be failed.


Also it is really helpful to bond a piece of alum in the structure.

I also colored by the roses. But in the end, it did not affect of the material a lot.