For this assignment we want to use the magic needle. You just need to punch down and up and will have a nice embroidering.
And, for the automatization, we will use a CNC machine made of parts of old PC CD device from garbage. Using 3 easy drivers for controlling each axis - stepper motor and connected as shown in the image:
As this is a Group assignment, I put here a copy of my colleagues work:
This week the class focuses on the evolution of techniques, tools and machines to create traditional fabrics.
Take advantage of digital manufacturing and open source technology to create a machine to weave and invent new techniques.
First I was practicing different techniques by hand to be able to see the technique and thus to think how a knitting or crochet needle has to move in a machine.
We worked as a group and decided to hack a machine made with floppy disk drives from a computer that was made to draw in the Fablab and convert it to sew.
We shared the work, I was in charge of cutting with the laser a mini frame and printing a piece to hold the needle well.
Observe the movement of the needle.
We have to change the base and leave a gap so that the needle can penetrate the fabric, we cut a mini frame in the laser and some small pieces to give it height.
Use DM of 3mm
Speed: 20
Power: 90
Frequency: 5000
Then we print a new support for the needle since the previous one is not worth it.
Finally we fit it in the needle.
Step 1: Transform our image into G CODE
Step 2: Load our G-Code into Arduino
When we have our image and its G code, only remains to load it to the arduino using Grbl controller.