Computational Couture



First Test on Grasshopper

I created a form with variable dimensions based on the Voronoï diagram.

Voronoï is the partition of a plane in cells from point called “germs”.
the diagram is found in nature especially on dragonfly wings or on turtle shells.


P a r a m e t e r s

- size of the box: width [x] height [z] depth [y]

- number of cells

- random sowing (population) allows to create variants in the distribution of points.


A p p r o a c h

These points serve as a basis for creating the voronoi diagram through a ready-to-use grasshopper component.

The cells with polycurves are scaled to form the inner wall of each cell.
these cells are then extruded and then capped (butcher hole plan.)


S t e p s

I start to place a flat box on Rhino.

Then, on Grasshopper I use a “rectangle” component. Add “slider” x2 to connect to [X] and [Y] input. Value of 10 and 10.

“Boundary Surface” connect from “rectangle” output [R] to input [E].

“Populate Geometry” connect from “Boundary Srf” output [S] to input [G].

“Voronoi” connect from “populate Geometry” output [P] to input [P] and “voronoi” input [B] to “rectangle” output [R].

to be able to change manually its possible to bake the points on rhino then modify it and re imported it on grasshopper with the parameter point. right-clic Set multiple point.


2. On 3D Printer.

save file on STL.

open the file with CURA.

layer thickness : 0.2mm

speed : 60 mm/sec (slow to have a good quality on fabric.)


- Parameters :