Table of Contents

Look at the tutorial for laser cutting


This was the most important part for me, I think, because it was the only part that required thoughtful thinking, and afterwards the whole process became a lot more centered and focused. Having a vision in my head helped me understand what I wanted, and therfore I directed my questions and attention to that. I understand that not for all assignments I can be very soecific, because interesting findings can make me deviate, but for a simple task where I sort of understood what I had to do to make that happen, it definetely helped.


Here, I find out the perfectionist if the first step was very important, then this step was vital to have a good start for all the future steps Without putting too much pressure, this is the step which would make your life a lot easier for the rest of the steps. I made maybe 7 scans in total, to the discomfort of my classmate, in (whom I thank profusely) in order to make the ethe most complete scan of my leg, which has many complications. To begin with, one needs to remain still, and the scanner must be able to move around it, without getting too close, so as to make a full scan. Since my vision included my foot, I had to manoscritti myself in a modeling position, where the leg was raised on the edge of a chair. From experience I had scanning my classmates, it was vital to have right or removal clothing.


This part I had plenty of experience with, since I did it a couple of times, with different scans of my legs. Here is where I learnt to make a great scan, because even if it is possible to sculpt and edit and fill and remove parts in MeshMaker, it often took more effort than doing another scan. I think it’s important to play around with the toolbox, but having the basic four commands (plane cut, remove, fill and make solid) was enough. It was vital that smooth was implemented at the end, as well as the tool , called readijst, to then export it (dsx) and into another software, and make the object more simple and more pixelated, so it can afterwards move faster. For body parts, the quality was definitely more than enough, but if one were to do have more details, with zoom, in the editing part it is important to emphasize it


Slicer is an add-in of Fusion 360, which is very compatible with the laser cutter, since one is able to modify the material and size of the material the laser cutter will have, as well as edit the form of the object (stacked, interpacked…).

The number of sheets is then calculated. The sheets are then exported via obj (or stl)


Using Rhino, (Illustrator could be an alternative, but the sheets have to be copied and pasted in a new document to import all of the pages if you have more than one) I was able to import the sheets, one by one, to the workspace.

Since I had 11 sheets, to optimize material usage, I narrowed it down to 6. Here is how I did it: I grouped each figurine together(contr