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E-textiles & wearables II

This week I continue with my slipper project.

This week I have experienced;

  1. Arduino IDE
  2. Eagle
  3. circuit design
  4. PCB cutting
  5. Vinly cutting with the copper circuit.

This was a revolutionary week. I did learn serious electronics.

  • First ı programed three LED's for with blinking code from arduino. I run with the breadboard


  • Then I stitched all the LED's into my slipper. Outside connection is (-) ground and inside is (+) VCC. I used the needles for connection.


  • Then ı make a connection between LED's, Hello Board and Arduino


  • Then ı embodied the information into hello board,


Watch the video;

After ı experienced these, I decided make an flexible hello board from copper tape.

First ı make an circuit design from eagle. I used lilpad pinholes as an pin entrance.

Board design


İt is not exactly the same schematic with the hello board. I removed reset button in terms that ı need exactly six pin entrance.


Make a flexible board


The Problem

After many attempts with copper tape or aluminum tape, I failed because the main problem is the board designs with the eagle is designing for PCB boards.

The best way to do a hello board with ATtiny 45 is with manual ways. I lost my motivation and decided to move on another project.

Playful Baby Bib

I always wanted to make a project with a capacitive touch sensor for my wearable projects. To make music with capacitive touch sensors are really fun. I already make some projects with CapSense. I made a glove and a piano with this capacitive sensor library.

For my Baby bib project:

For electronics; please download ADC TOUCH Library

1. Arduino Uno

2. Jumper cables

3. Piezo buzzer

4. 9 Volt battery

For materials,

1.Stretchable fabric

2. Linen

3.Conductive fabric

4. Conductive thread

I thought that while babies are eating they do not wanna use baby bib at all! maybe if ı would be funnier that can help babies eat while their playing with their baby food.


I started with the drawing of my patron and my cubes. For my patron I overlapped a baby bib patron picture.


For a playful touch, I want to create conductive cubes which will attach with the linen fabric.

For laser cutter;

RED lines = Light cut

BLUE Lines = Cut


When you light cut into linen you can follow broken lines for stich you conductive thread. And placed you cubes.

Analog points will help you to make your connection are easier.


These shapes should cut with the conductive fabric and glue into boxes.

You can download the files from this link



I added red stretchable fabric for a playful touch.
