Inspiration and Planning

inspiration_collage.jpegI researched different Mannequin ideas online and posted the images on a dedicated Pinterest
board, called Mannequins & Skin Surfaces - you can find the board here

I then sketched different possible mannequin ideas as a visual brainstorm + photographed
a few inspiring objects and surfaces inside Fablab Yucatan (see photos)

After, I discussed with Oscar about the different ideas and came up with a plan for the
mannequin design, and downloaded and installed Skanect trial for tomorrow for the 3D body scan.


The mannequin will have a waffle scaffolding made in MDF and a flexible skin made in bioplastic. The design of the skin will be created with a Grasshopper function called “Tractor Points”, hexagons with ellipses inside them.


Thursday, October 5

- Prepare the bioplastic recipe
- Lay it out on in a basin big enough to fit the laser cutter (60cmx90cm)
- Let it cure for 4 days, so it will be ready to cut on Monday

- 3D Scan my torso with the Kinect
- Bring the 3D scan into SKanect, a program to create the 3D mesh model
- Clean the mesh with Mesh Mixer, Blender or Mesh Lab
- Import the clean mesh in 123D Make and create the waffle structure
- Laser cut it? Maybe that will happen on Friday

Friday, October 6

- Laser cut torso slices
- Assemble them
- Learn Grasshopper with Oscar / Tractor Points function etc.
- Create the design for the skin
- Check on the Bioplastic skin Saturday, October 7

- Assemble the laser cut mannequin
- Document my work on the Fabricademy site

Monday, October 9

- Create design for bioplastic skin
- Laser cut on bioplastic skin