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fabricademy2017:students:nuria.robles:step_by_step_tutorial [2018/06/19 16:39] removed
fabricademy2017:students:nuria.robles:step_by_step_tutorial [2018/06/19 16:40] created
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-Here we have 3 main components:​ +{{ :fabricademy2017:students:nuria.robles:week6_computational_couture:aldo_tutorial_3.pdf |}}
- +
-  - curve: Is a curve on the body: Marked in green +
- +
-{{https://​​ub16f0wbD6FRPzkMjup2DqPfjYxjFMZIREIoi_SC2RnvNdpzXgxKo4uDE2vHjINmcbuead0TMMECkpWHi4RrnTVrpx0nHaXLluWXhFUdWn61W8cktL6NaoE34H6z9VEPYaH2uCSO?​nolink&​}} +
- +
-  - MeshIs the body +
- +
-{{​ZqbZHoeCs0dcKkhIDEb_FwO6NTZiEx-hxk65XXNxnUq4F5sqcRgW0keLI_Tf5u-2txCjHmNu7xAituRM3iJ20p6xnqfckaZQrESh8AcfKDMIdSPJcYlMRTo2_eqfRzzmtGrSP5_i?​nolink&​}} +
- +
-  - curve for patch +
- +
-{{https://​​lj1tPQJhWRvIjuvCtOziLUmI1fbHdInuogW3fnclv4Hh5vm9f4brrFIl7A50AtVRwKrekh482vNocXfzBYYZgBjZaEP9iuQd_Oy4wrmY-GCPCjuG__BI-5Eng_DBgo8nmU8OEVz7?​nolink&​}} +
- +
-The main purpose is to cut or build a new surface and remesh the result (z brush). We will use a path component +
- +
-{{​qxWV8GUVW7gWqZZZBnShuXGtoq-gPru_rDPvUpYS7iMVMEDDXwF-hnjXTYSmph1BY4y9gBK4fvbzfz04a22m0LMKlwYPw0Ip8OwYIjiHrzI-7wO387PvKDat2B72MqUBXQ2P7bMw?​nolink&​}} +
- +
-We need a patch component. ​ The difference between the boundary surface and the patch is: +
- +
-  * +
- +
-Boundary surface is planar over a planar curve +
- +
-  * +
- +
-Patch is no planar. creaed over a 3d dimensional curve +
- +
-{{https://​​9-F3r1l8ua5vC7syqfz1gpLAkqvQt95u_R6JuZlveBU-xGYPEXvo4EZL56jcvIW2HxoxKSwctFCoreR_rnjY2hh33FKc2rPC6g3niKdqVwgM9JuuW6eKUXWxOxQRjYgBaLyO2Vs7?​nolink&​}}{{https://​​9-jIYcdVFoNI8sS6m2M3GnngumUC7PrS7hixIyblBfsd-2TgNyEDdkmyq5f6ggqF9ZJc26U4AwB_j6raFIm5lIdAtAfYGqNHgjcLY8ldvl1pLu_6pA4pLUQshwggGHNEHiyoPnDB?​nolink&​}} +
- +
-In the input we have: +
- +
-  * +
- +
-Curves: We need to patch a curve +
- +
-  * +
- +
-Points: The points we want to patch (internally) +
- +
-  * +
- +
-Sliders: to increase the level of accuracy +
- +
-===== First step ===== +
- +
-We have the first curve and we want to subdivide this curve into a lot of curves +
- +
-{{https://​​JTutDVTPKrQJTrIqUHF4N7TzTXn4ERlnH6Zhn9bSu4gY114LFfSLkF6ee04Ho_MQXmuYu2eFG448gKCZP6NIwy_kOetphr13FQ_v02c6kpKJfpkBtDlqbdoCW0EKXXeX0WSAEZSS?​nolink&​}} +
- +
-We will that with Divide curve component +
- +
-{{https://​​cHLqrO1chypYd-Hc1ni1Cl1Jh6bA9FTSHwlQWkaN8YpxmqeY2DZi2ue-iyCviti8tw8P_xVlb1mzRLvEwf1lXbo08zHQmNWrCKpAip7mDCw114wBdkxu96B2036XfH5Z0OCEcWrw?​nolink&​}}{{https://​​jW03UHn-XlniF2sDxPj7JKXVLLU5vyItVDlUbaA9mzM0n3gcMuaH_dQDiTqZnJiySvXFVYgWRqwfX1dGzluoABN-Bk2eAqfWgbxTQsAe4MjG4RnlioJCe-TqABwcdwhcbfpUEl1F?​nolink&​}} +
- +
-Here we place [[http://​​app/​bifocals#​downloads_list|bifocals]] componen(to see icons and text) +
- +
-{{https://​​5PnakIrtIvCCqNFVIu52UNvmEg3J-NTNdXTwApQq9fPzCmOwhSqKHAA5uGKOs77Pnbf6aXVIXUmzRPv9PQzeYqYeP42QjiuNouci1E593aLl7U7LhVkRB4O93jamWtuhg_k4hg3z?​nolink&​}}{{https://​​RiNvIH6Ho9O2IwD9HJdRB385DTHQ5R1KoOvqyOaQekaGEaO_yLHSqF8glzXICq8UoSIIaS9lT6vwc4fwRUaPdwt8V4WDLGjHruPeHQiB7YkZwMihwIM3Dah866M7xSO5oTSRkpAi?​nolink&​}} +
- +
-Once we place this component (we have to place it once!!) the appearance of the script will be with tags (yupi!) +
- +
-{{https://​​m16XuA9nPIjlNbM_PzW6xrM8SOyoqdzCJw2bAnmJ6UgChWdzY0llMxmqo7scWxCBpvBQiym3OgGi1fRmiEP5IhGBg7O8Kn510xcJ1-eL3tZyv7eJIGhzwlakuGEH1Ux-EsBPDgdy?​nolink&​}} +
- +
-Subdividimos la curva que formará el patch (por defecto en 10 puntos) lo cual no es suficiente +
- +
-{{https://​​4Xc658Q2GZIcYoNnHuIIgEVBhc9siM6T1PPOoFvX_IhrXyqptMLGWD_8rnY-ln805KkQwuuZTzHoTydjDMP9RhIDefW5Mlfxs4rcooSwuViMA0y60aUo7BXWNHWsxg8rzjKAGVHv?​nolink&​}} +
- +
-foto (puntos division curva) +
- +
-añadimos 400 divisiones con panel (si da un error “Data conversion failed from text to integer” añadimos la coma de los decimales para que entienda el numero +
- +
-{{https://​​9AS1xtprG_Eo-xV3sRifgmo8uxnEU3w334L60sFi28eUR8vEk9I357KF5UG8xDi9buV2Wo7KG7vyMi-tnh0UyADIYAGfbQQ7ybao2bxv75O61BLtqzJUP3IWF5HPMFqCltH-YmwH?​nolink&​}} +
- +
-foto 11 +
- +
-ahora ya tenemos puntos suficientes para crear el patch. The inputs parameters on the patch component are: +
- +
-  * +
- +
-Curve to patch +
- +
-  * +
- +
-Points to patch +
- +
-  * +
- +
-Number of Spans: number of spans (luces? traduccion de google de spans) +
- +
-  * +
- +
-Flexibility of the patch +
- +
-  * +
- +
-Attempt to trim (it will cut the things out of aur system ?) +
- +
-But the points are not over my mesh and we need to prject them over the mesh +
- +
-{{https://​​FL1Pwvg1WjYkQknzTxalB3OAjHUObfN3yrOh4W26RbY797akoSZjZfW_DnhTZKTb2jADavouwxJ4pxqgHzPQ2FCs86mgAeW4bCEH8clHFWB3bWBa1M3zjocWCrOlXw8LuEBXa1UN?​nolink&​}} +
- +
-And we need that the input curve that we introduce into the patch is over the mesh +
- +
-With the pull point component, here the input are the divided pints and the initial mesh: +
- +
-{{https://​​U55Bg6lQ45VzCpz-9XgBvsMTJvXgKKWkp6qlpmsH2tEliRTYO3ueB4CaqE6qF2pW3DzdLAdbqeHtr1zduX0H-auy8tZEVeo_ayI1XxNeL7NvkcPCcd2dypGHOVpKjuTRd6fYqTxB?​nolink&​}} +
- +
-{{https://​​pFxJ-ipNy1x3r4P9fwyMYYoLkwr9nYijmxfVZ2egzFR8-vYQnupuvnSNHYtUSY4Bk3x0_xuMdRq4aseWrWrwaWFLJp4ZvcABjkU86ImMYAXnJyLEse8V8H8XLeFRgcxNYdCQpqSK?​nolink&​}} +
- +
-With these operation we are sure that the points are on the mesh +
- +
-Para estar seguros de ello, podemos dibujar una curva (interpolate curve): +
- +
-{{https://​​pK6KXsPqaPq1f6emVZvMYL_c2cWq94jG90DLnGtS04YBoVwpd775HMhSILFGFHWk0fRmBT8A32v7Uc7iFlqrH4aeNZTtlEohqYnzxrvYNX5lnpbS8YOBuzdqzetl9I1WOtXgFHKX?​nolink&​}} +
- +
-The green curve is very similar to the starting curve (red) but it is quite different +
- +
-{{https://​​D9BhEEUlSJFiUUSOBFQ9aloUK6zPpY9WOmoJ1BoMG8BU7Lnjm0wjA9PULXrTEttD1fUYZ0aux8TD_xDgEyBr-UpTKZu-0j2F8RySRti-4lqzXbUsmHlh5X8DE87PMBAJt_iLOm-_?​nolink&​}} +
- +
-We select the curve over the shoulder and will divide it into multiple points +
- +
-{{https://​​D6vhhLdDg54jUPFZ8vlaWlSBTyhluhBesyYyvkEOFjCXhGdfunNfnUlslAzyPHN0aVImxu3bkwM_M-Qt7ZjRgNObrh4wGSaKOrakVg7FK5uwNXPgkvGIOsvRligY98jLZh5KHe-p?​nolink&​}} +
- +
-[divide curve + slider] +
- +
-{{https://​​kZ2R4ReIF-Q4XtVVZrIHoOu7QryT2532yXycdwbGcZufMGLtIFOO1IuQl-eVx7Ff3qcymuJVlE-1ANUOeK7XHAVygaE6X5JHu_aqR02C0x9TTp5-moPKuRIZ7IYdlVsVdEtV5TL3?​nolink&​}} +
- +
-Ahora unimos la curva interpolada con la curva del patch +
- +
-{{https://​​VfT25aaP6TsZbL6rj77EPSM2nLFIIxps0j7S7zuu5tuGssDElFh-oKAj_gjAEL5O6UnrXi-UcMGVJnYQ8VzwDW2Ya0w2fCN9O3BO00GPEyHxlv6qzk83F5YV7SL03da0N-drKCLg?​nolink&​}} +
- +
-Después flatten the points from divide curve: this means that we will put all these pints in a one unique list +
- +
-{{https://​​fqZCgP1yKOnxemH0E_MNdytU7RDl5K7uJJm7j4Gx0cG9gO5NObRexz6NU0KFmURX7naIm-iJuv4uD3XIABKk82TwEw60mJpvCRpxK_rxlYMvLXLcAH7vwHhf9vQ-cD4WF-5nlxRx?​nolink&​}} +
- +
-We can see that the surface is over the mesh, including the shoulders +
- +
-{{https://​​SD5Akb-qJ3YkZf1pYIx9UaHiNh_yDFZCPXx3sNzOHsoLRsW4cAoQwrRmHU8EZr8BxCF5WeLjsGkx-TAM9zLrHp3Qi_Qbfh3ua8RIsHgC5tsihyuYTy8xHxI4R3woiAhguCKkSMA6?​nolink&​}} +
- +
-And after project and split the surface: +
- +
-{{https://​​cvC_n1DPgtIlwysoXmfK33iBGrBnopQhO-dm7lADOT0Rs_tWlnmd2Xmj6C6J5dTT5WqXosfjp65w7iTjm3egtlJc3uK2em-58BiAfFptK_hSWkAosIpFn28cYmGKkiokyr81rm0c?​nolink&​}} +