Table of Contents


General ingredients:

  1. Agar or Gelatin
  2. Glycerine
  3. White vinegar
  4. Hot water
  5. Food coloring

ASCII���Processed with VSCO with m5 preset

The Process



Hot water White vinegar Glycerine Agar Gelatin / food coloring Cooking time
180 ml. 15 ml. 10 ml. 36 gr. 2 spoon 4 min.

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1. Pay attention to the consistency of the mixture

2. Wrap the surface with aluminum foil

3. Spread a few oil on the surface to remove the mold easily

3. Spread the bioplastic over the surface

4. After 30 minutes my first bioplastic was done.



Hot water White vinegar Glycerine Agar Gelatin / food coloring Cooking time
60 ml. 5 ml. 10 ml. 18 gr. - 2 min.


1. The mixture never dried,



Hot water White vinegar Glycerine Agar Gelatin / food coloring Cooking time
60 ml. 5 ml. 3 ml. 18 gr. - 2 min.


1. The mixture were very vicour and without elasticity



Hot water White vinegar Glycerine Agar Gelatin / food coloring Cooking time
60 ml. 5 ml. 3 ml. 12 gr. - 4 min

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1. Pay attention to the consistency of the mixture

2. Spread the mixture uniformly over the surface (I didn't need aluminum folding because the surface was plastic)

3. After 15 minutes I could remove the bioplastic layer from the mold. The layer was about 3mm width.



Hot water White vinegar Glycerine Agar Gelatin / food coloring Cooking time
60 ml. 10 ml. 10 ml. 12 gr. - 2-3 min.

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1. Some of the ingredients I used to make most of the mixtures.

2. I made the same process of the last 2 tests. Finally, I got the layer I was looking for. It was about 3mm thickness.

3. The layer dried in about 15 minutes and I really liked the transparency of this layer, even though it was a bit yellow doubt to the agar.


Resume table











General ingredients:

  1. Cornstarch or Gelatin
  2. Glycerine
  3. White vinegar
  4. Distilled water
  5. Food coloring

ASCII���Processed with VSCO with m5 preset

As I wanted to see the bioplastic behavior adding cornstarch, I spread the mixture on a 3D printed model of my body I have from other assignment and I realized that this recipe made the bioplastic stretchier. I wanted to explore more but as I got the results I wanted with the other recipes I will leave it to other time.

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