WEEK 04 | 17.10.17

This week Cecilia made a wide explanation about the importance of using natural dyes and exploring existent materials for colouring fabrics. Thereby, it will become an alternative to reduce the environmental impact that the fashion industry has by using chemicals as dyes nowadays. Furthermore, we were invited to bio-fabricate using pigments and bacteria that we had on hand to create whatever we want by using local materials and getting some bio-plastics.
Finally, Cecilia encouraged the team to explore with local components as much as possible to get different recipes through the DIY and DIT (do it yourself & do it together).


(Click the image to see all the recipes)


  • S.01 | Most of the natural dyes worked perfectly in cotton.
  • S.02 | The fabrics I chose were easy to dye and to iron without missing their dyed color.


  • D.01 | It was difficult to get a natural green dye. I tried with spinach and cilantro but I didn't get good results.
  • D.02 | The turmeric is a very penetrant colour and I spent many hours trying to disappear the hints on my hands and the cooking pot.


(Click the image to see all the recipes)


  • S.01 | Using the prepared agar in the recipes, made the preparation time faster.
  • S.02 | I could try with some compositions using leafs and seed in my bioplastics tests.


  • D.01 | I couldn't get a transparent bioplastic using cornstarch or agar.
  • D.02 | The recipes t