Digital Bodies

Throughout our history, we observe that the human body and its representation are of high importance in arts, sciences, medicine, psychology, etc.

A fashion designer uses the human figure as his white paper to produce his masterpiece. In the same way, authors were using pencil and paper, then typewriter, keyboard and currently voice dictation, the tools of the fashion designer evolved through time.


Use software to obtain a body-figure and a digital fabrication process to produce it;

I 3D scanned my body with ISense 3D. You watch the how to scan from Isense 3D from this youtube tutorial.

All the files created for this assignment can be downloaded by clicking on the link bellow:

3D model mesh

When you use ISence 3D you will receive and as an e-mail your digital object file as an obj. format. I used meshmixer to edit my obj.

Import you obj file into Meshmixer.First thing to do is close your cracks.

Edit—-Close Cracks


I wanted to make smaller my mannequin. That's why, For proper cutter, I used plane cut commend.



Export as an STL format.

Open fusion 360 Slicer.

İmport your STL file into silicer. First things to do is arrange your manufacturing settings.

1. Type your sheet size.

2. Type your material thickness.



I choose as a costruction method as folded panels. Because I think when you use stacked slice as a method. it seems like a waste of material to me.


Also, the joint type is really important. I used Tongue a method. İt is perfect for fabric and paper.


Click get plans. Export as a DXF format. Import to rhino for send to laser cutter.

Layer proportion is really important. If you using the really thin material.

My material is 300 gr paper. 700x500mm.


Layer name power speed frequency 60 watt
Inotation %10 %50 %100
Fold-line %50 %50 %50
boundry %80 %40 %50
holes %80 %40 %50


Time to cut with laser



It was pretty easy actually. I just spend 3 euro for material. And result is pretty cute. :)

I could not scan my upper part of my shoulders. That's why shoulder has got a bit problem.
