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Three years ago I discovered Fablab León and everything changed. That first day I realized all the things that could be done, but how? I only know how to sew !. I went home thinking all the time about the possibilities, the days went by and I kept thinking, but it was impossible. I only know how to sew! and in Fablab there were engineers, computer scientists … No one from my world and besides, I do not have that training. What can I do?

With much fear I decided to go to an open day and get to know the people who could be there, called “makers”, and it was amazing, I liked it more and more. I decided to start with the plotter that they told me was the easiest and although I had never vectorized an image I investigated, I asked, and I got it.

Time passed and I decided to learn to use all the Fablab machines, when I finished I started to get interested in electronics. I learned to weld, I learned arduino, I discovered lilypad, 3D printing … and finally I started creating my projects.

Thanks to the youtube tutorials and the great Fablab community I have been able to advance little by little and now I am sure, without any doubt that this is the best thing that has happened to me in a long time.

The people did not believe in me. The designers that I knew did not see the concept very clear, but with my work I convinced them. Now they see my projects and they begin to see that it can not be so difficult, that it can be achieved, that it is not necessary to be an engineer, and now that I am beginning to see results, I am very clear that my project will be focused on spreading my experience, Teach my work and encourage them to follow my path.


Don´t say: it is imposible


Say: I haven´t already made it

My plan:

Zero to Bootcamp


My idea is to spread my work showing what can be done. There is a fashion school whose students know Fablab but they see it impossible. Years ago I tried to convince them but I had nothing to teach. Now I see myself qualified for it and I have projects to teach and I also believe that I can explain the techniques with a language that they understand better. I remember when at first I could not follow a conversation because they said words I did not know and I did not understand anything.

I want to explain them that sewing a led is like sewing sequins or rhinestones, that the conductive thread does not electrocute and can be sewn exactly like the others, anyway, I think I know their fears very well and I am determined to take them off.





The program is designed for different levels, depending on the knowledge of each person you can choose a level.

Each level lasts for 1 week.

Age: From 18 years.

Not everyone will want to keep going, but for the ones that desire it:
