Computational Couture

First Test on Grasshopper

I created a form with variable dimensions based on the Voronoï diagram.

Voronoï is the partition of a plane in cells from point called “germs”.
the diagram is found in nature especially on dragonfly wings or on turtle shells.


P a r a m e t e r s

- size of the box: width [x] height [z] depth [y]

- number of cells

- random sowing (population) allows to create variants in the distribution of points.


A p p r o a c h

  • Is to create a rectangular frame populated randomly with points (germs).

These points serve as a basis for creating the voronoi diagram through a ready-to-use grasshopper component.

The cells with polycurves are scaled to form the inner wall of each cell.
these cells are then extruded and then capped (butcher hole plan.)


S t e p s

I start to place a flat box on Rhino.

Then, on Grasshopper I use a “rectangle” component. Add “slider” x2 to connect to [X] and [Y] input. Value of 10 and 10.

“Boundary Surface” connect from “rectangle” output [R] to input [E].

“Populate Geometry” connect from “Boundary Srf” output [S] to input [G].

“Voronoi” connect from “populate Geometry” output [P] to input [P] and “voronoi” input [B] to “rectangle” output [R].

  • this slider modulates the number of points created by the PopGeo module.

to be able to change manually its possible to bake the points on rhino then modify it and re imported it on grasshopper with the parameter point. right-clic Set multiple point.


2. On 3D Printer.

save file on STL.

open the file with CURA.

layer thickness : 0.2mm

speed : 60 mm/sec (slow to have a good quality on fabric.)


- Parameters :
