Class 7 : Textile Scaffold

Origami Mold


  • 3D dimensional geometries


  • PLA


  • 3D Printer Maker2

Assignment Project Description

Each student can use a different technique to make a prototype of a technical textile application For this assignment you will require to build up your tools (container for molding, vacuum bag set up, frames, matrix, recipients) and process for your workflow.You can use any machine of the fab lab, laser cutter, 3D printer, CNC milling or make it manually. Tip: Give special importance to 3D dimensional geometries you are making and the technique you are using to create them.

Create a mould for a 3D origami sheet

Inspirations & References

Fluid-driven origami-inspired artificial muscles

3D Mold with 123D design

click on the link to see the 3D design

3D Print settings with Cura

Scale with x:200mm

3D Print Maker 2

Pour the Silicone into origami mold

Let it dry during 4 hours
Sheet Silicone Observations
Attach the silicone bridges from the top layer to the bottom layer of silicone

click on the link to see the Silicone Ecoflex Sheet

Origami Folding

Use Oripa for origami patern

click on the link to see the Origami patern with Oripa

Paper Folding

Origami cut folding Settings

The laser cutting of the paper makes folding easier and this time there are no more tearing problems.

julie-capture-decoupe-origami002vertical.jpg julie-capture-decoupe-origami002horizontal.jpg julie-capture-decoupe-origami001.jpg

Paper Folding Molding

3D Print Foldable Polyhedra Files

Foldable Polyhedra