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fabricademy2017:students:anamaria.martinlopez:week13 [2018/02/06 21:30]
fabricademy2017:students:anamaria.martinlopez:week13 [2018/06/26 11:28] (current)
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 Three years ago I discovered Fablab León and everything changed. That first day I realized all the things that could be done, but how? I only know how to sew !. I went home thinking all the time about the possibilities,​ the days went by and I kept thinking, but it was impossible. I only know how to sew! and in Fablab there were engineers, computer scientists … No one from my world and besides, I do not have that training. What can I do? Three years ago I discovered Fablab León and everything changed. That first day I realized all the things that could be done, but how? I only know how to sew !. I went home thinking all the time about the possibilities,​ the days went by and I kept thinking, but it was impossible. I only know how to sew! and in Fablab there were engineers, computer scientists … No one from my world and besides, I do not have that training. What can I do?
-With much fear I decided to go to an open day and get to know the people who could be there, called “makers”,​ and it was amazing, I liked it more and more. I decided to start with the plotter that they told me was the easiest and although I had never vectorized an image I investigated,​ I asked, and I got it.+====== Don´t say: it is imposible ======
-Time passed and decided to learn to use all the Fablab machines, when I finished I started to get interested in electronics. I learned to weld, I learned arduino, I discovered lilypad, 3D printing … and finally I started creating my projects.+====== Say: haven´t already made it ======
-Thanks to the youtube tutorials and the great Fablab community ​have been able to advance little by little ​and now I am surewithout any doubt that this is the best thing that has happened ​to me in a long time.+learned many things ​and nowadays people know my work and they ask me to teach them. Many of my projects are made with my family'​s clotheswhich I really like. I also like to recycle electronic plates with which I make jewelry.\\ 
 +Some examples:
-The people did not believe in meThe designers that I knew did not see the concept very clear, but with my work I convinced themNow they see my projects and they begin to see that it can not be so difficult, that it can be achieved, that it is not necessary to be an engineer, and now that I am beginning to see results, I am very clear that my project will be focused on spreading my experience, Teach my work and encourage them to follow my path.+{{http://​​_media/​fabricademy2017/​students/​anamaria.martinlopez/​week_10/​glove.png?​nolink&​332x250}}{{http://​​_media/​fabricademy2017/​students/​anamaria.martinlopez/​week_10/​img_1399.jpg?​nolink&​240x250|img_1399.jpg}}
-====== Don´t say: it is imposible ======+I have observed that people usually have problems when it comes to thinking about the final product, they can make a circuit, they know the machines that are in a fablab and the tools they have in their home, but they do not always know how to apply and manufacture something.
-Edit+The adults because of their jobs, and the young people motivated by the studies, do not have much free time and if they have to start from scratch, they think it is very complicated and they do not try it.
-====== ​SayI haven´t already ​made it ======+====== ​Pss ====== 
 +Most people want: 
 +{{  http://​​_media/​fabricademy2017/​students/​anamaria.martinlopez/​week_10/​capturaoo.jpg?​nolink&​608x345 ​ |capturaoo.jpg}} 
 +====== Stakeholders ====== 
 +{{  http://​​_media/​fabricademy2017/​students/​anamaria.martinlopez/​week_10/​clase1_22.jpg?​nolink&​800x684 ​ |clase1_22.jpg}} 
 +===== What is special about my project? ===== 
 +1. My project is easy\\ 
 +2. You can also track online.\\ 
 +3. It can be taken to schools and institutes …\\ 
 +4. Can be used in the Fablab.\\ 
 +5. Outdoor activity (school yard) *\\ 
 +6. All projects can be made with recycled fabrics.\\ 
 +7. Create community.\\ 
 +8. It will grow little by little.\\ 
 +9. It can be customized since the circuit example can be applied to any job. 
 +Some of the pages that have inspired me: 
 +===== Uppss ===== 
 +1. Offers in schools and teaching of any age (art schools, fashion, institutes, adult training ..)\\ 
 +2. The materials would be brought by interested persons, recycling their clothing or objects.\\ 
 +3. To create the circuits, pack will be sold that will be different according to the chosen project.\\ 
 +4. There are two types of workshops: Children and adults\\ 
 +Some of the digital manufacturing machines would be used, so the cost will rise per hour of machine rental, monitor and the pack with the materials.\\ 
 +There are three levels of difficulty.\\ 
 +Children: level 1 and 2\\ 
 +Adults and young people without experience: level 1 and 2\\ 
 +Adults and young people with experience: levels 1, 2 and 3 
 +===== Activity in Fablab and schools: ===== 
 +Age: 7 to 15 years 
 +* Outdoor activities can have a technological touch through QR codes: create a gymkhana in which your students must go to a physical place where there is a QR code that when scanned takes them to a website where they will find the instructions to make a circuit and apply it to something physical, (stuffed animal, car, game …). A tremendously versatile activity and from which you can learn a lot. 
 +===== Fablab Activity and Adults and Youth: ===== 
 +16 to 99 years 
 +They will be developed in Fablab, where they must bring a garment or object that they want to recycle and apply the tutorial they want. The physical blanket will be in Fablab but they can continue in their homes because it is also online. When they finish their project, they will be awarded a QR code if they wish and to help grow the blanket and contribute to the community. 
 +===== Customer map ===== 
 +Children and Families 
 +{{  http://​​_media/​fabricademy2017/​students/​anamaria.martinlopez/​week_10/​implic_1.png?​nolink&​800x684 ​ }} 
 +====Adults ​=====
-**My plan**:+{{  http://​​_media/​fabricademy2017/​students/​anamaria.martinlopez/​week_10/​fashion_school.jpg?​nolink&​800x684 ​ |fashion_school.jpg}}
-Zero to Bootcamp+===== Proyect =====
-{{  http://​​_media/​fabricademy2017/​students/​anamaria.martinlopez/​week_10/​clase_10.jpg?​nolink&​800x887 ​ |clase_10.jpg}}+The blanket is documented in :
-My idea is to spread my work showing what can be doneThere is a fashion school whose students ​know Fablab but they see it impossibleYears ago I tried to convince them but I had nothing to teachNow I see myself qualified for it and I have projects to teach and I also believe that I can explain the techniques with a language that they understand betterI remember when at first I could not follow a conversation because they said words I did not know and I did not understand anything.+[[http://​​fabricademy2017/​students/anamaria.martinlopez/​final_project|http://​​fabricademy2017/​students/​anamaria.martinlopez/​final_project]]
-I want to explain them that sewing ​led is like sewing sequins or rhinestones,​ that the conductive thread does not electrocute and can be sewn exactly like the others, anyway, I think I know their fears very well and I am determined to take them off.+The materials used are remnants of felt and textile vinyl that always remain in workshop.\\ 
 +The pack would be:
-{{  http://​​_media/​fabricademy2017/​students/​anamaria.martinlopez/​week_10/​clase_10_2.jpg?​nolink&​800x684 ​ |clase_10_2.jpg}}+=====\\ 
 +Pack 1:
-{{  http://​​_media/​fabricademy2017/​students/​anamaria.martinlopez/​week_10/​captura1_2.jpg?​nolink&​817x400 ​ |captura1_2.jpg}}+\\ 
 +• 2 led\\ 
 +• Conductive thread\\ 
 +• Colored thread\\ 
 +• Needle\\ 
 +• Button battery
 +Pack 2:
-====== Program: ======+\\ 
 +• Vibrating motor\\ 
 +• Conductive thread\\ 
 +• Needle\\ 
 +• Colored thread\\ 
 +• Battery button
-The program is designed for different levels, depending on the knowledge of each person you can choose a level.+=====\\ 
 +Pack 3:
-Each level lasts for 1 week.+\\ 
 +• 6 led\\ 
 +• Conductive thread\\ 
 +• Colored thread\\ 
 +• Battery button
-AgeFrom 18 years.+=====\\ 
 +Pack 4:
-{{  http://​​_media/​fabricademy2017/​students/​anamaria.martinlopez/​week_10/​program.png?​nolink&​990x400 ​ }}+\\ 
 +• 5 led\\ 
 +• Conductive woven hunk\\ 
 +• Conductive thread\\ 
 +• Colored thread\\ 
 +• Battery button
-{{  http://​​_media/​fabricademy2017/​students/​anamaria.martinlopez/​week_10/​program2.png?​nolink&​990x450 ​ }}+=====\\ 
 +Pack 5:
 +• Lilypad\\ 
 +• Buzzer\\ 
 +• Conductive thread\\ 
 +• Colored thread\\ 
 +• Battery button
-Not everyone will want to keep going, but for the ones that desire it:+===== My business=====
-{{​_media/​fabricademy2017/​students/​anamaria.martinlopez/​week_10/​clase1_u.jpg?​nolink&​800x684 ​ |clase1_u.jpg}}+\\ 
 +**In schools** they would hire the gymkhana workshop for two hours and a monitorIt is necessary that they bring a garment to recycle, they can be put in common and thus do more original thingsThe blanket would be used to explain the game and some QR codes in photocopy for the gymkhana.\\ 
 +It offers:\\ 
 +1 Pack for each child (level 1 and 2)\\ 
 +Guaranteed fun.
 +**In the Fablab** this workshop for all ages would be offered, the price would be somewhat higher for the rent of the space. The pack can be purchased separately and it is necessary to bring the garment to recycle, put in common and thus do more original things.\\
 +Here you can choose level working with the blanket.
 {{youtube>​ou0fPml45hc?​medium}} {{youtube>​ou0fPml45hc?​medium}}