Wei-Ying Cheung

About me

Hello I'm Wei, a masters student in Usability Engineering with a background in Psychology. I'm currently studying the theory and practical aspects of creating human centred computer interfaces - the aim is to develop interfaces that are straightforward, logical and pleasurable to use. My studies have taught me the importance of employing an empathetic approach to designing products. I find new technology fascinating and I'm excited by the opportunities and possibilities that this creates for our lives and for our future. I therefore feel privileged and excited about taking part in Fabricademy and I look forward to learning all the topics in the program.

Initial final project ideas

I would like to create a wearable for a disabled user that is effective and pleasurable to use. My initial ideas involved a wearable for the wrist that reminds people who are on medication and living alone to take their medicine, or a device to help stroke patients who have lost the ability to use parts of their body, perform a specific task. However, during the course of the programme, I decided to change my project idea to a wearable chest belt to assist breathing in people with anxiety. The details of my final project can be accessed at the bottom of the page.